Can't make it to class. Want to focus on your next Belt Test - Learn ONLINE.

Adult and Youth Online Karate and Self-Defense Resources


Wylie Karate Martial Arts 

Adult and Youth Online Resourceses

Wylie Karate, LLC and all participants in the videos, the creators, producers, and distributors of these programs disclaim any liability for  injury, damage or loss caused directly or indirectly in connection with the execution of the techniques and advice herein connected. The information contained in these videos is offered for information purposes only and for no other purpose. Wylie Karate, LLC and all participants in the videos expressly disclaim any and all liability relating to the practice or use of such techniques in any situation or their legality in any situation or jurisdiction. Purchasers of this video series should seek supervision in practicing or performing any technique illustrated and/or discussed in these videos. 
Consult your doctor before attempting any exercise or self-defense techniques in the program. 
By entering this site you agree to all the terms above.

This Weeks Technique for Adults

Step 1 -- Start with a Warm up Exercise


Adult Warm Ups
Stretch variations
Workout Wednesday
Elite Team Workout
Youth Warmups
Workout Tips

Step 2 -- Work on all Katas from the basic to your current belt rank 

and 1 to 2 beyond 

 United Ryukyu Kempo Alliance Katas

Naihanchi Shodan
Naihanchi Nidan
Naihanchi Sandan
Tomari Seisan
Pinan Shodan
Pinan Nidan
Pinan Sandan
Pinan Yondan
Pinan Godan
Passai Kata
Chizi Kihon
Tanbo Kihon

Step 3 -- Start with a URKA Exercise and then select a WK Drill


Exercise One
Exercise Two
Exercise Three
Exercise Four
Exercise Five
Exercise Six
Exercise Eight
Exercise Nine
Exercise Ten
Bo Staff Bear Exercise
Sanbon Kumite

Step 4 -- select a WYLIE KARATE Drill


Kata Drills
Kicking Techniques
Walking in Stances

Step 5 -- Work on Your Testing Requirements

WYLIE  KARATE  and URKA Belt Testing Requirements

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